During the 2023 Spring semester, we launched the first ACERT Podcast Club, focused on transformative teaching, thanks to the support of the CUNY Transformative Learning in the Humanities Initiative and the Provost’s Office at Hunter College. This was a funded opportunity for part-time and full-time instructors at Hunter. 13 faculty members from 8 different departments participated in this first iteration.
Each meeting, we discussed teaching practices that center and empower students based on podcast episodes on the topics of student engagement, classroom culture, and assessment. We explored new research and approaches by leading voices in higher education, and we discussed how to implement ideas within our classroom and workspaces.
On this website you can find our themed playlists, read more about the Podcast Club members’ teaching innovations, and listen to them share further insights on our own podcast Faculty Innovations in Teaching!
Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.

ACERT is the Academic Center for Excellence in Research and Teaching at Hunter College, CUNY.